After installing WordPress on Google Compute Engine, you might need a way to transfer files to the VM. It’s great to have worked on the local machine and upload the changes via file transfer protocol. File transfer protocol needs to be activated first. Then you can use it via any FTP client. The first obstacle you’ll face after setting up a VM instance is how to transfer files to your Google Cloud VM. It is very obvious because google cloud does not have any shiny option on their dashboard. The basic transfer option is hidden in the SSH section of your VM Instances. Other than the basic...
Install WordPress on google cloud compute engine
Probably Google Cloud is the third most popular provider for cloud infrastructure after AWS and Azure. As its name suggests, Google Cloud is provided by Google. In this article, we will learn how to install WordPress on Google Cloud Compute Engine. Before going into the details, there are few things to look at. There are a few basic terms we need to learn before we get with the tutorial. The idea behind this is to inform you of all the various products Google Cloud has to offer. Once you develop and interest in something you see, you can start building your own apps in them!