Next.js 13 was recently released at the Next.js conference. Many new features are included, including new routing, a new way to fetch data (React suspense), Vercel fonts, og image generation, layouts, and more. These new features have the potential to be game changers, and they promise to be extremely fast. But not without consequences. Let’s go into more detail about them. Turbopack: The successor to Webpack. Turbopack, the brand new build tool led by the creator of Webpack, Tobias Koppers, will be the Web’s next-generation bundler. Rust was used to construct it from the ground...
Why Should We Use Context API Instead of Redux For New React Apps
When creating a new React application, we think about redux as a state management solution as a default choice. Let’s have a look at the Context API as a possible replacement. If you’re building a new React app today, your instincts may urge you to choose Redux. But should you start with Redux? That has turned into a legitimate question these days. The state management capabilities of React have vastly increased in recent versions. I’d want to discuss a more straightforward technique that relies on the Context API in this post. Let’s Take a Look Back Why Did We Adopt...
A Contemporary Guide on React State Patterns in 2021
Since the initial release of React in 2013, Facebook has rolled out a robust collection of tools to help developers with some of the minutiae of the web application development process, allowing them to focus on what matters most. Despite React’s many capabilities and widespread adoption among developers, I’ve discovered that many of us face the same question: How can we handle complicated states with React? You may like: Crud Using React Hooks and Context API This post will look at what state is, how to arrange it, and alternative patterns to use as our applications become...