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I like to write about stuff I'm into. You'll find a mix of web dev articles, tech news, and random thoughts from my life. Use the search below to filter by title.
/3 mins read/---

Quick macOS Setup for Web Devs

Get your macOS ready for web development fast! This minimal setup guide will have you coding within 30 minutes.

/7 mins read/---

Minimal setup list for web developers on a fresh macOS install

Having a new Mac device is always exciting for every developer, but it can also be challenging, especially when it comes to setting up a new dev environment. Here is a list of the minimal setup you need to get started with web development on a fresh macOS install.

/3 mins read/---

On Tailwind CSS arbitrary values

How to use arbitrary values in Tailwind CSS to create custom styles for your components. Some nice tips to make your Tailwind CSS workflow more efficient.

/7 mins read/---

Migrate your Shopify store assets to a new store using File API

Learn how to migrate your assets from an old Shopify store to a new one in a few simple steps. This guide will show you how to retrieve and download your images using GraphQL and Node.js, and upload them to your new store with ease.

/5 mins read/---

Introduction to Committing with Conventional Commit

Conventional commit is a specific form of committing which gives software developers a uniform system for organizing and describing their changes, making it easier to keep track of updates